Tussen 20 september 2013 en 25 november 2023 heeft het groene voertuig mij ruim rond de aardbol gesleept. Bedankt lief autotje.
Hieronder staat 2160p
voor de zoekterm en 5
voor de pagination.
Een en ander geschied op eigen risico in een grijze zone.
Let’s be nice and say that the money supply has tripled since 2020. Prices have risen by about 30% by now. Which means that the inflation will be here for quit a while longer. A simple case of too much money chasing too few assets.
I expect the prices for the basic necessities like food and rent will more than double before we reach the end of the transitory phase.
Inflation is really ALWAYS transitory. Many people think that even the universe is transitory.
You know it by know. We are fucked.
sudo dmidecode -s system-serial-number
python3 -m pip install pyserial