Inflation in 2023


Let’s be nice and say that the money supply has tripled since 2020. Prices have risen by about 30% by now. Which means that the inflation will be here for quit a while longer. A simple case of too much money chasing too few assets.
I expect the prices for the basic necessities like food and rent will more than double before we reach the end of the transitory phase.

Inflation is really ALWAYS transitory. Many people think that even the universe is transitory.

You know it by know. We are fucked.

Federal reserve confirms: “There is no reason to be afraid of hyperinflation.”

So enjoy while the upcoming Weimar fuckfest runs its course.

What’s the usual pattern?

  1. Denial. People flocking together because group-think and greed.
    (Hyperinflation? You must be mad! Just look at the stock market! Or Bitcoin!) See the Bloomberg and NYT bullshit.
  2. Bargaining. The realization moment. The moment stuff hits the fan. Starting to happen now.
    People finding excuses for how they were FORCED into this (and why they need a bailout/preferential treatment) and/or why it all is not such a bad thing. The usual TINA stuff. See the link to the Bloomberg and NYT drivel.
    Extracurricular question: How come oil is still payed for in dollars?
  3. Anger. Difficult questions are gonna be asked. “Who the fuck let this happen?”
    Usually asked by the very same people letting it happen in the first place.
    For the definitive answer, we will have to wait to see how the social media circus is gonna spin this one. They will try to convince you it is some “foreign power” if you are the kind of social sucker that social brainwash networks prey on.
  4. Depression. The amplitude of this phase is directly proportional to the amount of previous over-monetization. Expect a visit from the nice people of the IMF to help you out of your troubles.

This time will be just like last time or the time before that.
Oh wait, there is a difference, this time will be bigger and better!

And no I am not linking to ZH but to Bloomberg and the NYT.

Inflation then and now

NOW – Dollars in circulation (M1)

retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, February 9, 2021

THEN – Silver content of a Roman Denarius


Quoted from:,_Comparisons_and_silver_content

Silver content plummeted across the lifespan of the denarius. Under the Roman Empire (after Nero) the denarius contained approximately 50 grains, 3.24 grams, or ​110 (0.105ozt) troy ounce. The fineness of the silver content varied with political and economic circumstances. From a purity of greater than 90% silver in the 1st century AD, the denarius fell to under 60% purity by AD 200, and plummeted to 5% purity by AD 300.[16] By the reign of Gallienus, the antoninianus was a copper coin with a thin silver wash.[17]

Remember, after the Roman Empire dissolved it was replaced with tribalism, superstition and the christian cult of fear!