Install Pi-hole on Volumio.

  • Install Volumio the normal way.
  • Set Volumio to accept ssh connections in the developer settings.
  • Open a ssh session to volumio.local and run the Pi-hole install script.
  • Open /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf and set these values:
    server.port = 8080
    server.errorlog = "/tmp/lighttpd_error.log"
    accesslog.filename = "/tmp/lighttpd_access.log"
  • Reload the lighttpd settings with sudo service lighttpd reload or reboot the Raspberry Pi.
  • Go to the Pi-hole web interface at http://volumio.local:8080/admin/
  • (Optional) Set a default web page at the web root:
    cd /var/www/html/
    cp index.lighttpd.orig index.html

    Or set your own index page.

And while you are at it, stop the dhcp-daemon and delete the secondary IP address.


Fix (delete) secondary dhcp address when setting static ip address.

After setting a static ip address in a debian based os, there is often a secondary ip address visible with ip addr show.
This is caused by the dhcpcd service which keeps running after setting a static ip.
Stopping this service will remove the secondary ip address after a reboot or network restart.

update-rc.d dhcpcd disable
service dhcpcd stop
#and optionally the next line or a reboot
ip addr del %YOURS-SECOND-IP% dev ethX

Replace %YOURS-SECOND-IP% with the unwanted secondary ip address.
And replace ethx with the interface name.
Restart the network.
Or just reboot and the secondary ip will be gone.

Works on a Volumio based Raspberry Pi and Ubuntu Server 18.04.2 LTS.