Add this to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
# do not serve .git folders by default <DirectoryMatch "^/.*/\.git/"> Require all denied </DirectoryMatch>
( Apache 2.4 – Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS )
Add this to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
# do not serve .git folders by default <DirectoryMatch "^/.*/\.git/"> Require all denied </DirectoryMatch>
( Apache 2.4 – Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS )
Version control and tracking is hard.
For sure in the Arduino IDE, which invites to rapid prototyping and has no built-in version tracking or version control mechanism.
To make it somewhat more practical and less error prone I made some scripts to assist this process.
It works if you already use or start using git for your version control.
Using these scripts is as easy as adding them to your sketch folder and adding
#include "gitTagVersion.h" ... Serial.println( sketchVersion );
to your Arduino sketch.
That is all that is needed.
The output in the example above will be something like v1.0.0-3-gab3fb04
That breaks down to tag v1.0.0, 3 commits since that tag, at commit ab3fb04.
Om de lokale branch vanaf GitHub up-to-date te krijgen:
git fetch origin git pull
Als het misgaat:
git merge --abort
Gebruik je als volgt:
git remote add --track master origin [url]
Dus om bijvoorbeeld aquacontrol2 te tracken gebruik je:
git remote add --track master origin
Om een bestand dat in Git is veranderd weer te herstellen kun je het volgende commando gebruiken:
git checkout <commit> <filename>
Mogelijk gebruik is:
git checkout a68f76 favicon.ico
Hier word het bestand favicon.ico
weer hersteld -vervangen- door de versie zoals die was ten tijde van commit a68f76