3,5 inch touchscreen on rPi.

Follow these steps to use a 3.5 inch touchscreen on your rPi.

  1. Update your system with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  2. Start raspi-config and go to Interfacing Options and enable the SPI interface.
  3. Download LCD-show van Github:
    cd ~
    sudo rm -rf LCD-show
    git clone https://github.com/goodtft/LCD-show.git
    chmod -R 755 LCD-show
  4. Enter the folder you just cloned with cd LCD-show
    Now all you have to do is start the script for your LCD type.
    For a 3.5″ display you run sudo ./LCD35-show
    The system will install/setup the LCD and reboot with the LCD as display.

To switch back to HDMI:

To use the HDMI port again, go to the LCD-show folder and run
sudo ./LCD-hdmi to switch back to HDMI.


raspberrytips.nl circuitdigest.com github.com/goodtft/LCD-show

Fix (delete) secondary dhcp address when setting static ip address.

After setting a static ip address in a debian based os, there is often a secondary ip address visible with ip addr show.
This is caused by the dhcpcd service which keeps running after setting a static ip.
Stopping this service will remove the secondary ip address after a reboot or network restart.

update-rc.d dhcpcd disable
service dhcpcd stop
#and optionally the next line or a reboot
ip addr del %YOURS-SECOND-IP% dev ethX

Replace %YOURS-SECOND-IP% with the unwanted secondary ip address.
And replace ethx with the interface name.
Restart the network.
Or just reboot and the secondary ip will be gone.

Works on a Volumio based Raspberry Pi and Ubuntu Server 18.04.2 LTS.

Set static IP with /etc/network/interfaces

Edit /etc/network/interfaces als volgt:

auto lo eth0
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet static
        address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (enter your ip here)
        netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (on lan usually         
        gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (enter gateway ip here)

Opslaan en dan dns instellen:

sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

Dit zijn de gratis Google dns servers, vervang de ip adressen met je de dns servers van je keuze.

Schakel nu eerst nog de dhcpd service uit om niet via een eventueel secundair ip adres toegankelijk te zijn.
Dan rebooten of:

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart